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제목 2탄 마무리강의 1 에서의 예문
작성일 2014-07-16 10:31 작성자 전제* 조회 10

왕초보탈출 2탄

i need someone who is working hard

- 나는 열심히 일 하는  누군가가 필요합니다

someone who works 

- 일 하는 사람  

제가 볼때는 위의 두문장이 i need 만 빼면 뜻의 차이가 없는 것 같은데 

분명 둘의 차이가 있겠죠? 

who works 랑 is working의 차이를 모르겠습니다. 제 생각에는 일하는 사람, 일을 하고 있는 사람으로 해석 되야할꺼 같은데 강의에서는 해석이 같으니깐 모르겠습니다...

즉, 첫번째와 같은 문장을 만들때 

왜, i need someone who works hard 라는 문장을 쓰면 안되고 is working 을 써야하는 거죠?

시원스쿨  (2014-07-17) 
####################전제진님께서 작성하신 글입니다####################i need someone who is working hard- 나는 열심히 일 하는  누군가가 필요합니다someone who works - 일 하는 사람  제가 볼때는 위의 두문장이 i need 만 빼면 뜻의 차이가 없는 것 같은데 분명 둘의 차이가 있겠죠? who works 랑 is working의 차이를 모르겠습니다. 제 생각에는 일하는 사람, 일을 하고 있는 사람으로 해석 되야할꺼 같은데 강의에서는 해석이 같으니깐 모르겠습니다...즉, 첫번째와 같은 문장을 만들때 왜, i need someone who works hard 라는 문장을 쓰면 안되고 is working 을 써야하는 거죠?전제진 회원님, 안녕하세요?회원님 말씀대로,나는 열심히 일 하는 누군가가 필요합니다.I need someone who works hard.I need someone who is working hard.둘 다 맞습니다.working hard가 여기서 '앞으로도 그럴 것이다' 즉, 현재진행형의 모습이지만 미래의 의미를 갖고 있습니다. 혹은 지금도 열심히 일하는 중인 사람을 말할 수도 있습니다.' 더 궁금한 점이 있으시면 또 질문을 올려주시기 바랍니다. 답변이 도움이 되었으면 좋겠습니다.감사합니다.
시원스쿨  (2010-11-24) 
I/You/He/She/They went. OK
I/You/He/She/They went the school.
=> I/You/He/She/They went to the school.
I/You/He/She/They went zoo.  
=>I/You/He/She/They went to the zoo.I/You/He/She/They didn't go. OK
I/You/He/She/They didn't go to the school. OK
 I/You/He/She/They didn't go to the church.OKDid i/you/he/she/they go? OK
Did i/you/he/she/they go to the school? OKDid i/you/he/she/they go to the home?
=>Did i/you/he/she/they go home?
( school과 house와 달리 home, there, here는
특수한 자체부사라(~으로를 포함한) to를 안쓰셔도 됩니다.Did i/you/he/she/they go to the church?OK
- drink
I/You/He/She/They drank. OK
I/You/He/She/They drank juice.OK I/You/He/She/They drank milk. OK
I/You/He/She/They drank water.OKI/You/He/She/They didn't drink. OK
I/You/He/She/They didn't drink  juice.OKI/You/He/She/They didn't drink milk. OK
I/You/He/She/They didn't drink water.OKDid i/you/he/she/they drink?OK
 Did i/you/he/she/they drink coffee?OK Did i/you/he/she/they drink milk?OK
 Did i/you/he/she/they drink water?OK
- make
I/You/He/She/They made.OK
 I/You/He/She/They made a carOKI/You/He/She/They made at home.OK
=> I/You/He/She/They made it at home.
 I/You/He/She/They made this.OKI/You/He/She/They didn't make. OK
I/You/He/She/They didn't make a car.OKI/You/He/She/They didn't make at home.OK
 I/You/He/She/They didn't make this.OKDid i/you/he/she/they make?OK
 Did i/you/he/she/they make breafast?OKDid i/you/he/she/they make dinner? OK
Did i/you/he/she/they make a car?OK
나눠주시면 고맙겠습니다
진영애 70기  (2010-11-23) 
- go
I/You/He/She/They went. I/You/He/She/They went the school. I/You/He/She/They went zoo. I/You/He/She/They went church. I/You/He/She/They didn't go. I/You/He/She/They didn't go to the school. I/You/He/She/They didn't go to the home. I/You/He/She/They didn't go to the church.Did i/you/he/she/they go? Did i/you/he/she/they go to the school? Did i/you/he/she/they go to the home? Did i/you/he/she/they go to the church?
- drink
I/You/He/She/They drank. I/You/He/She/They drank juice. I/You/He/She/They drank milk. I/You/He/She/They drank water.I/You/He/She/They didn't drink. I/You/He/She/They didn't drink  juice.I/You/He/She/They didn't drink milk. I/You/He/She/They didn't drink water.Did i/you/he/she/they drink? Did i/you/he/she/they drink coffee? Did i/you/he/she/they drink milk? Did i/you/he/she/they drink water?
- make
I/You/He/She/They made. I/You/He/She/They made a carI/You/He/She/They made at home. I/You/He/She/They made this.I/You/He/She/They didn't make. I/You/He/She/They didn't make a car.I/You/He/She/They didn't make at home. I/You/He/She/They didn't make this.Did i/you/he/she/they make? Did i/you/he/she/they make breafast?Did i/you/he/she/they make dinner? Did i/you/he/she/they make a car?
- teach
I/You/He/She/They taught. I/You/He/She/They taught English. I/You/He/She/They taught cook. I/You/He/She/They taught study.I/You/He/She/They didn't teach. I/You/He/She/They didn't teach English.I/You/He/She/They didn't teach cook. I/You/He/She/They didn't teach study.Did i/you/he/she/they teach? Did i/you/he/she/they teach English?Did i/you/he/she/they teach cook? Did i/you/he/she/they teach study?
- say
I/You/He/She/They said. I/You/He/She/They said true.I/You/He/She/They said story. I/You/He/She/They said this.I/You/He/She/They didn't say. I/You/He/She/They didn't say true.I/You/He/She/They didn't say story. I/You/He/She/They didn't say this.Did i/you/he/she/they say? Did i/you/he/she/they say true?Did i/you/he/she/they say this story? Did i/you/he/she/they say this?
- tell
I/You/He/She/They told. I/You/He/She/They told to me.I/You/He/She/They told to that. I/You/He/She/They told to my story.I/You/He/She/They didn't tell. I/You/He/She/They didn't tell this.I/You/He/She/They didn't tell that. I/You/He/She/They didn't tell my story. Did i/you/he/she/they tell? Did i/you/he/she/they tell this?Did i/you/he/she/they tell that? Did i/you/he/she/they tell my story?
- buy
I/You/He/She/They bought. I/You/He/She/They bought table.I/You/He/She/They bought clothes. I/You/He/She/They bought car.I/You/He/She/They didn't buy. I/You/He/She/They didn't buy table.I/You/He/She/They didn't buy cothes. I/You/He/She/They didn't buy car.Did i/you/he/she/they buy? Did i/you/he/she/they buy table?Did i/you/he/she/they buy clothes? Did i/you/he/she/they buy car?
- think
I/You/He/She/They thought. I/You/He/She/They thought this.I/You/He/She/They thought that. I/You/He/She/They thought this person.I/You/He/She/They didn't think. I/You/He/She/They didn't think this.I/You/He/She/They didn't think that. I/You/He/She/They didn't think them. Did i/you/he/she/they think? Did i/you/he/she/they think this?Did i/you/he/she/they think that? Did i/you/he/she/they think them?
- love
I/You/He/She/They loved. I/You/He/She/They loved my one's parents.I/You/He/She/They loved my child. I/You/He/She/They loved my family.I/You/He/She/They didn't love. I/You/He/She/They didn't love my one's parents.I/You/He/She/They didn't my child. I/You/He/She/They didn't my family.Did i/you/he/she/they love? Did i/you/he/she/they love my one's parents?Did i/you/he/she/they love my child? Did i/you/he/she/they love my family?
- work
I/You/He/She/They worked. I/You/He/She/They worked today.I/You/He/She/They worked yesterday. I/You/He/She/They worked last week.I/You/He/She/They didn't work. I/You/He/She/They didn't work today.I/You/He/She/They didn't work yesterday. I/You/He/She/They didn't work last week.Did i/you/he/she/they work? Did i/you/he/she/they work today?Did i/you/he/she/they work yesterday? Did i/you/he/she/they work last week?
- study
I/You/He/She/They studied. I/You/He/She/They studied English.I/You/He/She/They studied station. I/You/He/She/They studied chinese.I/You/He/She/They didn't study. I/You/He/She/They didn't study English.I/You/He/She/They didn't study station. I/You/He/She/They didn't study chinese.Did i/you/he/she/they study? i/you/he/she/they study English?Did i/you/he/she/they study station? Did i/you/he/she/they study chinese?
- come
I/You/He/She/They came. I/You/He/She/They came letter.I/You/He/She/They came present.  I/You/He/She/They came home.I/You/He/She/They didn't come. I/You/He/She/They didn't come letter.I/You/He/She/They  didn't come present. I/You/He/She/They didn't come home.Did i/you/he/she/they come? Did i/you/he/she/they come letter?Did i/you/he/she/they come present? Did i/you/he/she/they come home.
- eat
I/You/He/She/They ate. I/You/He/She/They ate an apple.I/You/He/She/They ate fruits. I/You/He/She/They ate food.I/You/He/She/They didn't eat. I/You/He/She/They didn't eat an apple.I/You/He/She/They didn't eat fruits. I/You/He/She/They didn't eat food.Did i/you/he/she/they eat? Did i/you/he/she/they eat an apple?Did i/you/he/she/they eat fruits? Did i/you/he/she/they eat breakfast?
- meet
I/You/He/She/They met? I/You/He/She/They met friend?I/You/He/She/They met tom? I/You/He/She/They met cris?I/You/He/She/They didn't meet. I/You/He/She/They didn't meet friend.I/You/He/She/They didn't meet tom? I/You/He/She/They didn't meet youngjin.Did i/you/he/she/they meet? Did i/you/he/she/they meet friend?Did i/you/he/she/they meet tom? Did i/you/he/she/they meet this guy?
- give
I/You/He/She/They gave. I/You/He/She/They gave this book.I/You/He/She/They gave you/me money. I/You/He/She/They gave me/you flower.I/You/He/She/They didn't give me/you flower. I/You/He/She/They didn't give me/you this book.I/You/He/She/They didn't give me/you money. I/You/He/She/They didn't me/you this.Did i/you/he/she/they give? Did i/you/he/she/they give me book?Did i/you/he/she/they give me money? Did i/you/he/she/they give me flower?
- see
I/You/He/She/They saw. I/You/He/She/They saw you,I/You/He/She/They saw you yesterday. I/You/He/She/They saw me yesterday tonight.I/You/He/She/They didn't see. I/You/He/She/They didn't see you I/You/He/She/They didn't see you yesterday. I/You/He/She/They see me last night.Did i/you/he/she/they see? Did i/you/he/she/they see he/me last night?Did i/you/he/she/they see me subway? Did i/you/he/she/they see me last night?
- do
I/You/He/She/They did. I/You/He/She/They did play.I/You/He/She/They did it. I/You/He/She/They did that.I/You/He/She/They didn't do. I/You/He/She/They didn't do it.I/You/He/She/They didn't do study. I/You/He/She/They didn't do that.Did i/you/he/she/they do play the tennis? Did i/you/he/she/they do it?Did i/you/he/she/they  do study? Did i/you/he/she/they do that?
- read
I/You/He/She/The read. I/You/He/She/The read book.I/You/He/She/The read English book. I/You/He/She/The read newspaper.I/You/He/She/The didn't read. I/You/He/She/The didn't read book.I/You/He/She/The didn't read English book. I/You/He/She/The didn't read newspaper.Did i/you/he/she/they read? Did i/you/he/she/they read book? Did i/you/he/she/they read? English book? Did i/you/he/she/they read newspaper?
- finish
I/You/He/She/They finish. I/You/He/She/They finish work.I/You/He/She/They finish homework. I/You/He/She/They finish cleaning.I/You/He/She/They didn't finish. I/You/He/She/They didn't work.I/You/He/She/They didn't finish homework. I/You/He/She/They didn't finish cleaning.Did i/you/he/she/they didn't finish? Did i/you/he/she/they didn't finish work?Did i/you/he/she/they didn't finish homework? Did i/you/he/she/they didn't finish cleaning?
- like
I/You/He/She/They liked. I/You/He/She/They like china.I/You/He/She/They liked listen to music. I/You/He/She/They liked yoga.I/You/He/She/They didn't like. I/You/He/She/They didn't like japan.I/You/He/She/They didn't like amrican. I/You/He/She/They didn't like a cat.Did i/you/he/she/they like it? Did i/you/he/she/they like china.Did i/you/he/she/they like listen to music? Did i/you/he/she/they like walk?
번호 강좌 제목 상태 작성자 작성일 조회수
공지전체공부 질문 게시판 이용 안내 시원스쿨2023.10.1926,911
공지전체[중요] ★★공부질문하기 정책 필독★★ [8]시원스쿨2017.07.0695,034
공지왕초보탈출 3탄왕초보 탈출 3탄에서 가장 많이 묻는 단골 질문 1~6 [4]시원스쿨2014.11.1385,854
공지왕초보탈출 2탄왕초보 탈출 2탄에서 가장 많이 묻는 단골 질문 1~8 [2]시원스쿨2014.11.1383,892
공지왕초보탈출 1탄왕초보 탈출 1탄에서 가장 많이 묻는 단골 질문 1~15 [38]시원스쿨2014.11.13122,098
28,737실전영어 말하기 home work (11)답변대기백명*2014.07.0912
28,736왕초보탈출 1탄 말하기영문법 workbook p.95 (1)답변대기남초*2014.07.0915
28,735왕초보탈출 2탄 책 질문 (3)답변대기이유*2014.07.0919
28,734왕초보탈출 3탄 being together (7)답변대기임유*2014.07.0913
28,733왕초보탈출 2탄 자세히 답변 좀 해주세요 (3)답변대기김은*2014.07.098
28,732왕초보탈출 1탄 열심히 해보고자 문장 숙제 검사 맡아요 (1)답변대기조은*2014.07.0822
28,731왕초보탈출 1탄 20강 다시 질문 (1)답변대기권민*2014.07.0810
28,730왕초보탈출 1탄 get,, buy (1)답변대기곽옥*2014.07.082
28,729왕초보탈출 1탄 동명사편에서 질문이 .. (1)답변대기백종*2014.07.088
28,728왕초보탈출 1탄 문장만들기숙제검사요 (1)답변대기김선*2014.07.0810
28,727왕초보탈출 1탄 질문수정합니다 (1)답변대기설훈*2014.07.086
28,726왕초보탈출 2탄 accept (3)답변대기신미*2014.07.084
28,725왕초보탈출 1탄 알려주세요 (1)답변대기설훈*2014.07.089
28,724왕초보탈출 2탄 i'm afraid that (3)답변대기김한*2014.07.0810
28,723왕초보탈출 3탄 해석좀 해주세요 (5)답변대기정재*2014.07.082

※ 공부 질문하기 게시판은 수강 중인 회원님의 학습에 도움이 되고자 운영되고 있는 무료 서비스입니다.
최대한 빠른 시일 내에 답변드리도록 노력하고 있으나, 부득이한 사정상 답변 지연이 발생할 수 있고 관련하여 보상은 어려운 점 양해 부탁드립니다.

학습 궁금증이 해결되셨나요?답변의 만족도를 평가해주세요.


[필수] 개인정보보호를 위한 이용자 동의

자세한 내용은 "개인정보 보호법 [제정 2011.3.29 법률 제10465호]"과 "정보통신망법 [법률 제14080호, 2016.3.22, 일부개정]"을 확인하기 바랍니다.

1. 개인정보처리자는 시원스쿨 패밀리사이트를 운영하는(주)에스제이더블유인터내셔널입니다.
ㅇ 개인정보처리자 정보: (주)에스제이더블유인터내셔널, 사업자 등록번호:214-87-98782
   대표전화 : 02)6409-0878
   팩스번호 : 02)6406-1309
   주소 : 서울특별시 영등포구 국회대로 74길 12 남중빌딩(여의도동 13-19)
   개인정보보호 책임자 : 최광철

2. 아래와 같은 개인정보를 수집하고 있습니다.
ㅇ 수집항목 : 신청자의 성명, 연락처
ㅇ 개인정보 수집방법 : 신청자가 개인정보처리자의 홈페이지에 자신의 개인정보를 입력하는 방식

3. 개인정보의 수집 및 이용목적
수집한 개인정보를 다음의 목적을 위해 활용합니다.
ㅇ 개인정보처리자가 운영하는 시원스쿨 패밀리사이트의 마케팅 및 광고에 활용

4. 개인정보 보유 및 이용기간
원칙적으로, 개인정보 수집 및 이용목적이 달성된 후에는 해당정보를 지체 없이 파기합니다.
단, 다음의 정보에 대해서는 아래의 이유로 명시한 기간 동안 보존합니다.
ㅇ 보존항목 : 성명, 연락처
ㅇ 보존근거 : 혜택 제공
ㅇ 보존기간 : 1년

5. 개인정보 보호법에 의해 개인정보 수집 동의를 거부할 권리가 있습니다.