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작성일 2015-08-20 12:54 작성자 이민* 조회 17

왕초보탈출 3탄

I saw my friend playing the guitar.

문제지에 답이 나는 내친구가 기타치는걸 봤어 라고 되어 있는데

나는 기타를 치는 내 친구를 봤어 가 맞는것 아닌가요?


I didn't see my frined playing the guitar.

나는 내친구가 기타치는걸 봤어의 부정문이

나는 내친구가 기타치는걸 못봤어 가 아니라

나는 기타를치는 내친구를 못봤어 가 되야 하는게 맞는거 같아서요.

시원스쿨  (2015-08-21) 
안녕하세요 이민호 회원님^^영어가 안되면 시원스쿨입니다.1.두해석 모두 결국에는 ‘나의 친구가 기타를 치는 것을 보았다’는뜻이기 때문에 같은 의미라고 보시면 됩니다. 2.이문장 역시 같은 맥락의 해석이기 때문에 ‘나는 내친구가 기타 치는 걸 못 봤어’ 와‘나는 기타를 치는 내 친구를 못 봤어’ 모두 맞습니다. 혹시라도 더 궁금한 내용이 있으시다면1:1 게시판 새 글이나 시원스쿨 고객센터(02-6409-0878)로 연락주시면,상세한 안내 도와드리겠습니다.감사합니다.####################이민호님께서 작성하신 글입니다####################I saw my friend playing the guitar. 문제지에 답이 나는 내친구가 기타치는걸 봤어 라고 되어 있는데나는 기타를 치는 내 친구를 봤어 가 맞는것 아닌가요? I didn't see my frined playing the guitar.나는 내친구가 기타치는걸 봤어의 부정문이 나는 내친구가 기타치는걸 못봤어 가 아니라 나는 기타를치는 내친구를 못봤어 가 되야 하는게 맞는거 같아서요.
시원스쿨  (2011-03-28) 
난 하려고 했는데 못했어ㅜ.ㅜ
I was trying to do but I couldn't
I tried to do but I couldn't
이거 맞아용? 맞으면 어떤 문장이 맞나욤?
두 문장이 좀 어색하거나 틀렸으면 고쳐주세요!! 정확한 문장을 쓰구 싶어서요 ㅎㅎ 
_영어문장에서는 목적어가 정확하게 필요합니다.
숙제를 하려고 했다면 i was trying to do my homework, but i couldn't.
또는 i tried to do my homework, but i couldn't입니다.
둘다 가능합니다.
강혜수 61기  (2011-03-27) 
난 하려고 했는데 못했어ㅜ.ㅜ I was trying to do but I couldn't I tried to do but I couldn't 이거 맞아용? 맞으면 어떤 문장이 맞나욤?  두 문장이 좀 어색하거나 틀렸으면 고쳐주세요!! 정확한 문장을 쓰구 싶어서요 ㅎㅎ 
시원스쿨  (2010-03-29) 
Happy Monday!1. teach평 : I teach. you teach. they teach. 의 : Do I teach?/ Do you teach?/ Do they teach?/ Does she teach?/ Does he teach?     Does it teach?/ Do you teach english?/ Does she teach this?/ Does he teach that?부 : I don't teach. you don't teach. they don't teach. she doesn't teach. he doesn't teach.    it doesn't teach. she doesn't teach english. I don't teach this. you don't teach that.=> she teach.-> she teachES.로    he teach.-> he teachES. 로   English대문자로 시작!   All the others are correct.
2. tell펑 : I tell. you tell. they tell. she tell. he tell. it tell.의 : Do I tell?/ Do you tell?/ Do they tell?/ Does she tell?/ Does he tell?/ Does it tell?    Do you tell this?/ Do they tell that?/ Does she tell this?/ Does he tell this?부 : I don't tell. You don't tell. They don't tell. She doesn't tell. He doesn't tell.     It doesn't tell. She doesn't tell this. He doesn't tell that. I don't tell this.=>  she tell. he tell. it tell.-> she tells. /he tells./ it tells.로    All the others are correct.
4. make평 : I make. You make. They make. She make. He make.의 : Do I make?/ Do you make?/ Do they make?/ Does she make?/ Does he make?     Do it make?/ Dose she make this?/ Do they make that?/ Do you make that?부 : I don't make. You don't make. They don't make. She doesn't make. He doesn't make.    It doesn't make. I don't make that. You don't make this. She doesn't make this.=>She make. He make.-> She makeS. He makeS.      All the others are correct.
5. give평 : I give. You give. They give. She give. He give.의 : Do I give?/ Do you give?/ Do they give?/ Does she give?/ Does he give?/ Does it give?     Does she give this?/ Do you give this?/ Do they give that?/ Does he give this?부 : I don't give. You don't give. They don't give. It doesn't give. She doesn't give.    He doesn't give. He doesn't give this. They don't give us. I don't give this.=> She give. He give.->She giveS. He giveS.   All the others are correct.
6. want평 : I want. We want. They want. You want. She want.의 : Do I want?/ Do you want?/ Do they want?/ Does she want?/ Does he want?     Does it want?/ Do we want?/ Do you want this?/ Does he want that?부 : I don't want. We don't want. You don't want. She doesn't want. He doesn't want.    It doesn't want. They don't want. We don't want this. I don't want that.=> She want.-> She wantS.   All the others are correct.
7. take평 : I take. You take. They take. We take. He take.의 : Do you take?/ Do they take?/ Does she take?/ Does he take?/ Does it take?Do you take a bus?/ Does she take a taxi?/ Do we take this?/ Do they take that?부 : I don't take. You don't take. We don't take. The don't take. she doesn't take.    He doesn't take. It doesn't take. We don't take a bus. I don't take this. she doesn't take that.=>  He take.->  He takeS.    All the others are correct.
8. bring평 : I bring. You bring. They bring. She bring. He bring.의 : Do I bring?/ Do you bring?/ Do they bring?/ Does she bring this?/ Does he bring that?     Do we bring?/ Does she bring a book?/ Do I bring that?/ Does Jane bring this?부 : I don't bring. You don't bring. We don't bring. She doesn't bring. He doesn't bring.    Minsu Doesn't bring. I don't bring a pen. Sean Doesn't bring money. They don't bring.=>  She bring. He bring.->  She bringS. He bringS.    All the others are correct.
9. buy평 : I buy. You buy. They buy. She buy. He buy.의 : Do I buy?/ Do you buy a car?/ Does she buy a book?/ Do we buy it?/ Does minsu buy that?    Does he buy this?/ Do they buy this?/ Does sean buy water?/ Do you buy that?부 : I don't buy. You don't buy. She doesn't buy car. We don't buy. They don't buy    Minsu doesn't buy this. I don't buy it. He doesn't buy a book. You don't buy that.=> She buy. He buy.-> She buyS. He buyS.   All the others are correct.
10. get평 : I get. You get. We get. She get. They get. He get.의 : Do you get it?/ Do we get?/ Does she get that?/ Does minsu get shoes?/     Do they get this?/ Does he get?/ Do they get it?/ Do you get a present?/ Do I get that?부 : I don't get. You don't get. She doesn't get. He doesn't get. They don't get it.    You don't get this. Minsu doesn't get a book. We don't get that. I don't get a watch.  => He get.-> He getS.       All the others are correct.
11. go out평 : I go out. You go out. They go out. She go out. We go out.의 : Do you go out?/ Does she go out here?/ Does minsu go out?/ Do I go out?/ Do you go  out work?    / Do we go out?/Do they go out now?/ Does sean go out?/ Does he go out?부 : I don't go out. You don't go out. We don't go out. She doesn't go out. He doesn't go out.    Minsu doesn't go out. They don't go out here. Sean doesn't go out. It doesn't go out.=> She go out. -> She goES out.       All the others are correct.
13. write평 : I write. You write. They write. She write. He write.의 : Do you write letter?/ Do we write that?/ Does she write this?/ Do they write?     Does he write it?/ Do I write this?/ Does sean write?/ Do they write this?부 : I don't write. You don't write. She doesn't write. He doesn't write. They don't write.    It doesn't write. I don't write letter. Minsu doesn't write this. We don't write that.=>  She write. He write.->  She writeS. He writeS.     sean 이름등 대문자로 시작     All the others are correct.
14. do평 : I do. You do. They do. We do. She do. He do.의 : Do you do?/ Does she do study?/ Does minsu do homework?/ Do we do work?/     Do I do this?/ Does he do it?/ Do they do study?/ Does sean do that?부 : I don't do. You don't do. She doesn't do. He doesn't do that. We don't do this.    I don't do homework. Minsu doesn't do study. They don't do it. You don't do that.=>  She do. He do.->  She doES. He doES.    Do they do study?-> Do they study?    Minsu doesn't do study.-> Minsu doesn't study.   All the others are correct.
나눠 주시면 고맙겠습니다.
박효원 63기  (2010-03-27) 
어제 처음1강 강의 듣고 과제올립니다~
번호 강좌 제목 상태 작성자 작성일 조회수
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공지왕초보탈출 1탄왕초보 탈출 1탄에서 가장 많이 묻는 단골 질문 1~15 [38]시원스쿨2014.11.13120,696
36,138왕초보탈출 1탄 간단한 질문입니다. (1)답변대기이나*2015.08.1318
36,137왕초보탈출 2탄 현재완료와 과거완료 (3)답변대기박연*2015.08.1319
36,136왕초보영단어1 선물을 준다 (11)답변대기신경*2015.08.134
36,135왕초보탈출 2탄 커리큘럼 관련 질문입니다 (3)답변대기정재*2015.08.1325
36,134왕초보영단어1 많이 먹는다 만히 읽는다 많이 말한다 (7)답변대기차아*2015.08.1310
36,133왕초보탈출 1탄 . (1)답변대기김종*2015.08.1313
36,132왕초보탈출 2탄 2탄 워크북 1장 (3)답변대기김선*2015.08.1317
36,131왕초보탈출 2탄 질문있습니다~~~ (3)답변대기김유*2015.08.1314
36,130기초영어 말하기 질문이요 (7)답변대기손도*2015.08.1314
36,129왕초보탈출 2탄 질문드립니다 (3)답변대기조종*2015.08.1316
36,128왕초보탈출 1탄 질문 (1)답변대기송언*2015.08.1312
36,127왕초보탈출 1탄 달 앞에 the붙는건가요? (1)답변대기김지*2015.08.1215
36,126왕초보탈출 2탄 질문 (3)답변대기조문*2015.08.124
36,125왕초보탈출 1탄 질문 (1)답변대기황선*2015.08.1210
36,124왕초보탈출 1탄 초보 발음이요 (1)답변대기이동*2015.08.125

※ 공부 질문하기 게시판은 수강 중인 회원님의 학습에 도움이 되고자 운영되고 있는 무료 서비스입니다.
최대한 빠른 시일 내에 답변드리도록 노력하고 있으나, 부득이한 사정상 답변 지연이 발생할 수 있고 관련하여 보상은 어려운 점 양해 부탁드립니다.

학습 궁금증이 해결되셨나요?답변의 만족도를 평가해주세요.


[필수] 개인정보보호를 위한 이용자 동의

자세한 내용은 "개인정보 보호법 [제정 2011.3.29 법률 제10465호]"과 "정보통신망법 [법률 제14080호, 2016.3.22, 일부개정]"을 확인하기 바랍니다.

1. 개인정보처리자는 시원스쿨 패밀리사이트를 운영하는(주)에스제이더블유인터내셔널입니다.
ㅇ 개인정보처리자 정보: (주)에스제이더블유인터내셔널, 사업자 등록번호:214-87-98782
   대표전화 : 02)6409-0878
   팩스번호 : 02)6406-1309
   주소 : 서울특별시 영등포구 국회대로 74길 12 남중빌딩(여의도동 13-19)
   개인정보보호 책임자 : 최광철

2. 아래와 같은 개인정보를 수집하고 있습니다.
ㅇ 수집항목 : 신청자의 성명, 연락처
ㅇ 개인정보 수집방법 : 신청자가 개인정보처리자의 홈페이지에 자신의 개인정보를 입력하는 방식

3. 개인정보의 수집 및 이용목적
수집한 개인정보를 다음의 목적을 위해 활용합니다.
ㅇ 개인정보처리자가 운영하는 시원스쿨 패밀리사이트의 마케팅 및 광고에 활용

4. 개인정보 보유 및 이용기간
원칙적으로, 개인정보 수집 및 이용목적이 달성된 후에는 해당정보를 지체 없이 파기합니다.
단, 다음의 정보에 대해서는 아래의 이유로 명시한 기간 동안 보존합니다.
ㅇ 보존항목 : 성명, 연락처
ㅇ 보존근거 : 혜택 제공
ㅇ 보존기간 : 1년

5. 개인정보 보호법에 의해 개인정보 수집 동의를 거부할 권리가 있습니다.